Mare Protection Service Webinar and Training Session

1.HCMR has organized Mare Protection Service Webinar and Training Session on Thursday 20/06/2019 at 13:00. An invitation was sent to all stakeholders’ groups interested in the specific applications. Representatives from Environmental Protection Engineering S.A. and Hellenic Petroleum have been participating to the event. HCMR presented the service to the participants, explained the features of the implemented applications and how they could be used for the benefit of their companies e.g. supporting their emergency response activities in case of oil spill accidents. The users expressed their comments and questions, while they were also trained in the use of the service at each case scenario.

Snapshot 1 of HCMR webinar and training session

Snapshot 2 of HCMR webinar and training session

2. HCMR has organized Mare Protection Service Internal event on Thursday 11/06/2019. The event took place at HCMR premises. Scientist and technicians interested or involved in marine pollution management participated in this meeting. The service was demonstrated and valuable feedback was collected during the discussion followed the demonstration of the service.

HCMR internal event

HCMR internal event

Mare Protection Service from oil spills was also presented:

  • At the 2nd HIMIOFOTS meeting, held at NTUA, School of Civil Engineering on 05/06/2019. HIMIOFOTS is the Greek national infrastructure regarding the marine environment and the surface waters.
  • At the 1rst meeting of HCMR Operational Oceanography group held at HCMR premises on 24/04/2019.

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